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Deconstructing my former teacher mindset in order to homeschool for the past 13 years

Writer's picture: Christal  MarshallChristal Marshall

Mom here and former educator.

I am currently listening to “Wild and Free” highly recommend. (Buy it here:

it is basically a call for modern parents toreally take a look at their kids childhoods and get back to Simplicity and the basics

and for someone who has been homeschooling and basically unschooling for 13 years-It is interesting because I had to go through this deconstruction very early on in my parenting-

that my kids are not going to be fulfilling basic, check mark / milestones at the pace of their peers and some are going to over exceed basic, Milestones of their peers.

And so every one of my kids Milestones have been in different places/ different times

and me as a former teacher with a master's I'm thinking “I'm a failure if my kid doesn't fulfill this checkbox and checklists” -as  the other peers and what I have been,

so accustomed to learning.

And so if you feel like your kid is not fulfilling milestones the same Pace as other kids do not despair.

none of my kids Learn how to read by kindergarten they all learned how to read second /third grade.

my third grader now is is reading at a kindergarten level and some of you are thinking.

“Oh, well, how is this possible?”

Well, am I reading to my kids every day? Yes.

Am I paying for all of the Hooked On phonics? And reading apps?


sometimes the puzzle pieces are not put together and it's at no fault or guilt to me.

Kids just learn different levels.

But what I don't want to do is is squelch their-fire for learning- their fire for curiosity.

What I don't want to do is make them feel like-they’re “less than”-or they have “failed in life” if they don't fulfill-this check box.

so I am constantly trying to find reading materials that spark love/ spark interest.

we are constantly reading in the home -constantly having books around /we're buying books everywhere.

We're going to every Library -we're going to every-bookstore- we sign up for every reading program.

we're really making sure that the love-of learning and the love of books is in this home-

and they see us read books-They see us talk about, literature

we do read alouds at home

So I am not worried about my kids-Not reading not having literacy skills.

What I am more worried about is me trying to take-that love of learning away from them,

the love of learning is for life.

That's what I teach with my kids.

The love of learning is for life.

We can take classes the rest of our lives we can get our doctorate  at 80.

We can write a book at 60

there's no Finish line of learning

we're constantly having our brains filled with knowledge and how to apply that in life.

And so if you feel like you're being discouraged right now -that your kid is not fulfilling Milestones-or you feel like you're a “failure” or you feel like-

I just want to let you know there is no Finish Line

and I would rather have an adult at 20 really find a love of learning and find the love of literacy that maybe they never had as a child

as opposed to a young kid that feels like they're being forced or pushed or or pressed to fulfill a certain checkbox by a certain grade

because in life.

Adults don't care.

You never see an adult in a social setting that’s like “ooh, what grade did you graduate?” What level reading Were you? what GPA?”

So but the important thing is that when they grow-up to be wonderful adjusted adults,they can be intelligent.

They can have intelligent conversations that are filled with empathy. They have an open mind.

And they just have this passion for for educating themselves and continuing to grow in that area.

If you have any questions on homeschooling in the state of Virginia.

I've been doing it for a long time.

Would love to see your DMs and peace out guys keep learning fun.

📕📕Currently reading “The call to wild and free”



What ways have you had to deconstruct to homeschool?

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💪Christal is a former teacher with a M.Ed and loves sharing her tips and adventures after 10+ years of homeschooling

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